Thursday, October 10, 2013

Oil Cooler

Today I mounted the oil cooler in the frame.  I put a bead of RTV on the required surfaces and then riveted the pieces together.  I put a masking tape seal over the fittings to prevent anything from getting inside.
I clamped the cooler to the face of the cowl duct and match drilled the top holes.  I installed the bolts to hole the cooler in place on the duct.
Using the guide cones I match drilled the lower holes and installed the fasteners.  I then clecoed the duct to the lower cowling.  I reinstalled the lower cowling and found the oil cooler to be about ½” from the muffler.  Because of all of the discussion on the VAF RV-12 form I am concerned that I need to do some kind of modification to the cowl duct to increase the distance.  Before I go any further I am going to research the best approach to take to increase the coiler to muffler distance to at least 1”.