Friday, October 25, 2013

Engine Cowling

Today I worked on the engine cowling.  I sanded the filler I put on the right lower rear edge of the upper cowling half.  It worked very well and I am pleased with the fit.  I also sanded the front area of the upper cowling behind the prop .  I then continued to install the heat shield material.
There was just enough heat shield material to complete the job.  I took a picture of the completed heat shield.  I reinstalled the lower cowling half and final drilled the holes for the screws attaching the cowl to the lower fuselage attach plates.  
Next I installed the 2.5" scat tube between the lower cowl air inlet and the engine cooling shroud.
My next task was to install the oil cooler and the associated lines in the oil system.  It took a lot of effort to get the oil hoses behind and under the engine.  I ended up weaving them through the engine compartment maze and removing them several times.  Finally I was satisfied with the placement of the lines and reinstalled the lower cowl.  It all seem to fit together nicely.
I reinstalled the lower cowl and captured the oil cooler with the guide cones.  After a few minor adjustments to the oil hoses it all seems to fit.
I noticed an edge and corner of the compression seal was not holding properly.  I applied a small amount of clear silicone and clamped them back in place.  That is all for today.