Friday, September 9, 2011

Paint Canopy Frame

This evening I begin masking and prepping the canopy frame for paint.  I also rigged up a support for the canopy frame so I can flip it over and paint both sides without having it rest on something.  I brought back one of the 2x4 stands I made to support the tail cone during its construction.  By putting a grabber through the bushing on each side of the canopy pivot attachment point I am able to flip the canopy frame over from side to side.  By inserting a dowel in the latch tube I am able to support the rear bow with the frame in a nearly horizontal position.  Then, by flipping it over and suspending it with a wire I am able to have the other side of the frame on the top so I can easily apply the paint to that side. I masked the ends and sides of the frame and left the front bow and a small vertical strip on each side where the bow is welded to the framework.  I then applied a coat of black hammertone paint.  This is the same paint with which I am painting the instrument panel.  Since  the front bow is next to the instrument panel when the canopy is closed I thought it would look good to have them painted the same.

While I am painting the interior finish on the canopy frame I will be redoing the scratched surfaces of the cockpit interior.  These scratches are on the rear roll bar and the longerons.