Monday, December 6, 2010

Drilled Roll Bar for Rear Window

This morning I match drilled and clecoed the #40 holes in the rear window into the roll bar.
This afternoon I pulled all of the clecoes and removed the turtle deck skins and the rear window.  I used a straight edge and removed the protective film from the edge and the lower side center of the rear window.  That when the window is installed permanently it will be protected until the airplane is finished.
I used some 150 and 220 grit sand paper and sanded the edges of the window.  I will bring some 600 grit wet or dry sand paper tomorrow and hit the edges again.  I also used a 5/32" plexiglass drill (drill for plexiglass to avoid cracking) to open the holes around the perimeter of the window.
Next I started to final drill and tap the #40 holes in the roll bar.  I used my DeWalt variable speed drill to both drill the holes and run the tap into the final drilled holes.  It worked really well.  I will finish the drilling and tapping of the roll bar tomorrow.