This evening I
started working on Section 42D. To start
I modified my work table. I removed the
swing-up end extensions. Now the table
is only 8' long again. I moved the
fuselage so it can be more fully supported on the short table. I placed a piece 4x4 under the tail section
and covered it with a moving pad. I
rolled the fuselage over on its side one more time.
I removed the
instrument panels and the upper fuselage skin from over the instrument shelf. I then proceeded to remove the instrument
stack support angles and the instrument panel support angles. I used a 1/16th inch punch to remove the
mandrels from the rivets. I then
carefully drilled out the rivets and removed the supports and angles. I set these parts and pieces in my supply box
of spare and discarded parts. I then
turned my attention to working on the front lip of the instrument shelf. I clamped a piece of 2x2 to the bottom edge
of the instrument shelf to add support.
I then used a #19
drill bit and final drilled the 6-holes in the center of the shelf lip. I then used my newly purchased platenut jig
to drill the holes for the platenuts. That
worked out as slick as can be. After
drawing a reference line through the holes in the lip it was easy to drill the
#40 holes for the platenut rivets. I
dimpled the #40 holes and the platenuts and riveted them in place. I also cut the hole in the shelf for the USB
port. I filed the edges
of the hole for the USB port and deburred the newly drilled holes.