Thursday, May 17, 2012

Drilling More Holes

I used the template furnished for drilling the holes in the instrument shelf for the control module attachment and ventilation.  I made a small template out of card stock to help mark the location of the template.  After marking the lines I measured them to make certain the forward edge of the control module is parallel with the firewall.  It worked.  Initially all holes are drilled with a #30 bit.  I drilled the first corner hole and clecoed the template to the instrument shelf.  I then drilled the remaining corner holes and installed clecoes.
I then drilled the circular hole pattern with a #30 bit.  I removed the template and using a step drill, I final drilled the holes to 5/16" diameter.  This made the edges of the holes really close to each other.  Of course it was planned to be this way.  There is a real need for cooling air to pass through the control module.  This should allow this to happen.
I then used the F-00011 template to drill  holes in the upper firewall.  I taped the template in place and drilled the first hole.  I inserted a clecoe to hold the template more securely to the firewall and drilled the remaining holes.  I removed the template and deburred the holes.