Thursday, September 12, 2013

Finish Engine Cowling Installation

Today I worked to complete the installation of the engine cowling.  I installed the Cowling Closeout Bracket as instructed.  I then curved the closeout to match the curve of the bottom of the cowling.  I clamped the closeout in place and matched drilled the bottom supports and clecoed the cowling to the supports.
In order to have better access to the gear leg and free the bottom of the cowling I removed the nose wheel pan and leg fairing.  I then matched drilled the cowling to the close out and removed the clamps and removed the closeout.  I used the microstop to counter sink the #40 nutplate attachment holes.  I then riveted nutplates to the inside of the closeout.  I then installed the closeout and installed screws to the bottom supports.  I will install the top of the cowling and inspect it to make sure all of the gaps and clearances are correct.