Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Nose Wheel Pants

This afternoon I started to work on the nose wheel pants.  I set up my work area in the garage and started by trimming the fiberglass parts to 1/16" from the scribe lines with my Dremel tool.  I used my angle grinder with a 2" sanding disk and a 1-½" sanding drum to remove the fiberglass closer to the scribe lines.  I finished with a sanding block.
I tapped the fore and aft sections together.  They seemed to fit pretty well.  I drilled the ¾" hole in the forward half with the unibit.  I then used a round file to open the hole to the 13/16" diameter hole asked for in the drawings.  I drilled the holes in the fore and aft halves according to the drawings.
Next I shaped and clecoed the splice plates in place on the forward half.  I clecoed the aft half to the splice plates from inside of the pants.  The fore and aft sections seem to fit together very well.  I must admit I had to do quite a bit of marking and sanding to get them to fit together this well.
Using MEK I cleaned off all of the marker and set the fairings aside for the night.