This morning I went to Standard Electronics
in Salt Lake City and purchased a 30K Ohm resistor. I went to the airport and installed the
resistor in the tach input line from the Rotax.
It took about 30 minutes to remove the top cowling, install the resistor
and replace the top cowling over the engine.
I loaded my 5-gallon gas cans and purchased 10 gals of fuel. I fueled the airplane then went up flying to
check out the transponder and the tach.
I stayed in the pattern and made 4 touch-and-goes and one full stop
landing. The transponder switches
between GND and ALT just like it is supposed to. I also get a traffic warning on the PFD and
targets with vector arrows are displayed on the moving map. This is very cool. The tach is no longer jumpy. It is rock solid when the RPMs are above 4800. It has been a good day.