Thursday, August 15, 2013

Cowling Hinges

Today I continued to work on the cowling hinges.  I filed a taper on the barrels of the attachment hinges on the upper fuselage.  I also continued to cut and install the side and upper hinges to the existing hinges attached to the fuselage. I cut hinge pins to length and curved them to follow the profile of the upper and lower hinges.  I ground the leading ends of the pins to better slide through the curved hinge barrels.    I installed all of the hinge halves to the existing hinges to make sure the pins would insert without hanging up during the process.  Everything seems to fit together nicely.
After installing all of the hinges I attached the lower cowling to the hinges with clamps.  I then drilled and clecoed holes into the upper side hinges and into the bottom of the lower side hinges.  Things are coming together with the installation of the cowl.  There are still a few spots I will need to work on with the sanding block but for the most part, the lower cowl seems to fit pretty well.