On the way home
this evening I purchased a 12V battery to power-up the avionics. Before testing the avionics I decided to
install the fuel tank and attach the filler tube to the turtle deck. I set the tank in place and proceeded to
install and tighten the bolts. I clecoed
the right half of the turtle deck to the fuselage. After that I put the filler tube on the tank
and clecoed the tube flange to the turtle deck.
I will need to mix
some Proseal to attach the filler flange to the turtle deck. I decided to test the avionics. I used some test leads to hook the batter to
the power connection on the backside of the fuse/switch module. When I made the connection the fan in the
control module started up and the Skyview screen came on. It showed the Dynon logo and then changed to
a list of commands.
I waited for the
system to finish booting. It wasn't long
until the map showed up on the screen with a large red 'X' and the warning
message "ADAHRS FAIL. I powered the
unit down and tried again. The same
results occurred. I made the assumption
that the Skyview was not detecting the ADAHRS.
I removed the fuel tank and unbolted the ADAHRS. I disconnected the D-sub and OAT
harness. Using a small jumper I
connected a pair of wires in the D-sub and using my multi-meter I checked the
continuity of the wires. They were fine.
There are 8-wires from the control
module to the ADAHRS. Using the jumper
and multi-meter I checked all 8-wires. They
are all good.
I will call Dynon tomorrow and see if they can
suggest a solution. I covered the
instrument area with some plastic sheet to keep the area clean.