Friday, June 17, 2011

Flaperon Torque Tubes

I rolled the fuselage back onto it bottom so it is upright.  I installed the spacer material in the holes in the sides of the fuselage and pushed in the torque tubes.  The line up with the torque arms so I clamped them in place.  
I then straightened and cleaned-up the edges of the holes in the fuselage sides where the wing spars slide into the fuselage.  When we installed the wings the first time we had a little trouble extracting them.  My grandsons were not able to keep the wings perfectly level and they scraped and bent the edges of the fuselage skins at the openings.  I fixed the problem  by straightening the aluminum at the openings and then increasing the width of the openings with a vixxon file.  We are all set for the next wing installation.