Monday, December 16, 2013

Tension Stabilator Cables

Today I tensioned the stabilator cables.  I installed the seat pan to hold the forward bulk head in place.  I then removed the left turtle deck so I had access to the stabilator cables in the tail cone.  
I made some tools to be able to tighten the barrel bolts on the cables.  It was a tight fit, but I was able to tighten the cables through the utility access holes in the bottom of the fuselage.  So you are not confused, it was not easy putting my big paws through the holes and working.  I had a small LED flashlight I turned on and put inside so it would illuminate the work area.  It is pretty tight working in there.  I dropped the tools a few times.  I made them out of some left-over hinge pin stock.  One time I had to resort to a magnet tied to a string to pick up a dropped tool on the floor of the fuselage.  It was up against a rib and I could not feel it with my fingers.
After considerable effort including getting up and down off of the floor creeper, retrieving tools, getting additional tools from the tool chest and work bench I was finally able to get the tension on the tensionometer to read 45 lbs.  I picked up the tools and put them away.  It is really cold in that tin can of a hangar.  I am glad I don't have to be there all day long.