Thursday, July 11, 2013

Complete Move to Hangar

This afternoon I took some additional things to the hangar.  I am pretty much moved in and next week I will begin working on the airplane.  My plan is to come from work and spend a few hours working 2-3 afternoons a week.  Hopefully I will get the darn thing finished if I stay at it long enough.  Today I brought the work table from my shop at home.  I placed the drill press, band saw and grinder on the table.   The outlet I had Cal install is perfect.  I purchased a vacuum for the hanger.  That makes a large and small vacuum.  There is no reason to have a mess.
I hung the bulletin board on the wall and a poster I got from Mom when she moved to Boise.  I have organized things and hung them up and put parts on the shelves.  I should be able to get a lot done over the next few months.