Tuesday, February 1, 2011

The Move

Buck sold the building and KBR Construction, Inc. is moving from Sandy to Pleasant Grove.  It will add about 35 minutes to my drive to and from work each day.  I don't want the airplane in Pleasant Grove so it is going home today.  We held an open house for the local RV Group and members of EAA Chapter 23.  We had about 30 people come by to see our progress.  It was a fun 2 hours of questions, answers and visiting.  I am glad to be a part of these wonderful organizations.
After the open house Tim, Cameron and Kaleb, along with Arlene and I moved the airplane to our garage at home.  It is a tight fit, but it is going to work.  I am going to cut the primer station in half and re-make the work table so I can lower it 6".  I am also going to add new lights to the garage and then the work can continue.  These are some pictures taken before the open house.