I installed the Anti Servo Trim Tabs on the Stabilator. I cut the hinge wires to length and put a 90 degree bend at the end of the wires as shown in the plans. I also ground a dull point on the long ends. I then attached the AST's. I will safety wire them at the final assembly.
Next I attached the pushrod end bearing to the AST's. I installed the Trim Servo Tray to the fuselage bulkhead as directed.
After the servo trim tray was installed I connected the 12 volt battery to the white wires and advanced the servo motor to the stops. I checked the Stabilator travel and assured it traveled freely to the stops.
I reversed the polarity of the battery and ran the motor to the full travel in the opposite direction. All went well.
I then checked the Stabilator travel and it moves freely to the stops.