Monday, July 14, 2014

Ready To Fly

We returned from our trip to  San Luis Obispo, California.  Arlene’s aunt passed away and we decided it was important for us to be there.  Other than her son and his wife and her daughter, we were the only family members in attendance.  Aunt Ruth was 95 years old and most of her friends have already proceeded her in death, so the funeral was quite small.  Arlene and I have not been in San Luis Obispo since 1971.  I went to college at Cal Poly and it was fun to see the old campus again.  It has changed drastically in the last 43 years.  I even found a dorm building with our  name on it.  I am sure it was not named ‘Jespersen Hall’ because I attended school there.  But, it was fun to see and I took a picture.
Today I put the top cowl back on and adjusted the fuel computer to a more realistic number.  I took a picture of the reinstalled and sealed pitot tubing attached to the pitot tube.  It also shows the safety wire to the pitot block.  The tubing had better stay attached this time.  Based on some information found in the VanAirForce RV-12 forum I have increased the value to 120,000+.  I will see if the actual fuel used and the calculated amount come a little closer.  I also used some Plexus to clean the bugs off of the nose and wing.  With everything put back together, cleaned, safety wired and updated, the airplane is once again ready to fly!