Monday, April 23, 2012

Avionic Kit Arrives

The long awaited Avionics Kit (Skyview) has arrived.  I ordered the kit in February.  As has been mentioned before, Van's Aircraft decided to change from the Dynon D180 to the Dynon Skyview.  The decision was driven to a great extent by Garmin.  Part of the avionics package in the RV-12 was the Garmin 396 or 496 GPS.  When Garmin announced last year that they were not going to manufacture these units any longer Van's determined that it would be a good time to re-evaluate the RV-12 avionics and see if a change was in order.  The Skyview incorporates the GPS and transponder so changing to Skyview eliminated the need for these instruments.  The change was accepted by the builders with considerable enthusiasm.  It has taken months to get things redesigned and retooled to make the change.  They began accepting avionics orders again in February.  It has taken 2-½ for me to move up the list far enough to receive my kit.  Now the fun begins.  When I arrived at home this evening I found 2-packages on the front steps.  I set up my work tables in the garage and opened them up.
I opened the boxes and removed, looked at and inventoried the contents.
I didn't take the time to open each hardware bag to count the nuts and bolts, but I did make sure all of the bags, boxes and packages were there.  As usual, Van's does a great job in packing and shipping their product.