Friday, December 17, 2010

Pressure Testing Gauge and Forward Fuselage Upper Firewall

Last night I went to Home Depot and purchased a pressure testing gauge fitting.  I also purchased the necessary parts to adapt it to air test the fuel system.  The gauge is made to attach to a ¾" pipe.  I installed some reducers and a compression fitting for a ¼" tube and inserted a short section of aluminum tubing.  I have ordered the other parts from Van's to complete the testing set up.  When those parts arrive I can perform a pressure test.
This afternoon I began to work on the upper firewall.  I cut the cowl hinges to length and set them aside.  I dimpled and riveted the lower upper fuselage spacers, flanges and nutplates and riveted them together.  I dimpled the #8 screw holes and countersunk the flush rivet holes in the upper fuselage doubler.
Next I clecoed the nutplates to the upper forward fuselage doubler and riveted them in place.
I clamped the upper cowl hinges to the fuselage doubler.  I am now ready to match drill the hinges to the upper forward fuselage doubler.