Today I turned the tailcone assembly upright on the horses. With the tailcone in the upright position I installed the static air system. I pulled the special rivets in the left and right side skins.
I attached the 1/8” plastic tubing to the right side rivet and sealed it in place with clear RTV silicone. I ran the tubing along the inside edge of the fuselage frame and secured it loosely with wire ties. I installed the plastic ‘T’ fitting and ran a short piece of tubing to the left rivet, securing it with RTV. I attached the ¼” poly tubing to the ‘T’ fitting over a ¼” piece of plastic tubing. I ran the ¼” poly tubing along the fuselage frame to the ‘J’ stiffener on the left side skin and ran it to the front of the tailcone and taped it to the floor.
I removed the blue film from the right and left upper corner skin and clecoed them in place.